After a meditation session, healing, workshop, retreat or yoga class we are likely to feel varying degrees of euphoria. A part of us thinks ‘this is it’, because it is!
Another part of us thinks ‘that’s it, forever’ At those times we are experiencing the light, we feel free, at home and wonderful. We felt those things because of a commitment we made and fulfilled on for our wellbeing! We feel fantastic. To think that this feeling will automatically be there forever is not the case. It is available to us at all times but we have to connect with the light, release the old and outmoded ways in order to feel that wonder and magic of the light over and over. Simply put, the ‘light’ is always there but we are not always ‘in’ the light. ‘Reconnect’ and those feelings return. Live in the barrages of the lower levels of the mind and the feelings of magic, wonder and expansion disappear. The UP side, is that we get to choose which thoughts we will listen to and which tapes we will play over and over. Put in a positive tape and you will get positive feelings – it’s as simple and as important as that, to remember that the negatives are just information, not the truth!
© Patricia Herreen 2012