When things are going well, when we feel balanced and resourced, our defences automatically lower. Guards are down as we open up, available to fully experience conversation, interaction and exchange.
How wonderful life is in this landscape of richness. During such a conversation, we may be triggered by something that’s said or done and the barriers begin to take effect like automatic shutter blinds. A contraction takes place, along with a desire to cease engaging in that which has stirred the pot! It is here that the natural impulse to pull away inspires a change of conversation and direction. Yet it is HERE, with the light shining on a part of us that has been previously banished to the dark, that opportunity exists for transformation! Continuing to shine light on that previous wound, judgement or slice of shame or guilt, offers the redemption required for the restoration of harmony. As we allow that which has been diminished or dismissed to have its expression, the illusion of separation is released from within and the limiting perspective dissolves!
© Patricia Herreen 2012